Ironman Oz 2008 - Run Plan


Three Laps - use them
  1. Hold back.
  2. Minor adjustments.
  3. Whatever it takes. This is not a training run.

"If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your
race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just
finish the race it's up to you."

- Dave Scott

Running is definitely my strongest discipline. Hopefully I have raced smart enough to be able to use it.

I'll check the clock at the beginning of the run and calculate the run time required to make 11 hours. Why 11 hours and not 11:09? Two reasons. First keeping things simple is part of the day's plan and so should be slightly easier on the mathematics for my fatigued brain. Second it gives a nine minute margin for error. I will then store the information at the back of my head. It isn't important for the first lap.

The first lap is all about finding a good running rhythm. The first few kilometres is not the time to force anything. Just let my body run, maybe with a bit of gentle encouragement. The sooner I find a comfortable rhythm the better. Once I have achieved this then I will slow down slightly. It has always been easy for me to run too fast in the Ironman.

Completion of the first lap will be the time to take a full inventory. Check heart rate, perceived exertion, energy levels, nutrition intake and split times. Once I have worked through a thorough assessment I should have a good picture of what sort of shape I am in. Have I been running too fast? Am I still absorbing my nutrition? Am I capable of running faster?

Having these answers I will then calculate what split times are now required to hit 11 hours. Based on these splits I will then make minor adjustments to my running. It could mean slowing down slightly. Holding a slightly higher pace. Increase the pace on certain sections such as downhills. Until I get there I don't know what these changes will be, but it will not be a time for anything drastic. Changing from 5:45/km pace to sub 5:00/km is likely to guarantee a walk in the final lap.

Lap 3, the final lap. This is not a training run. Here I will do whatever it takes to finish in the fastest time possible. Run tough. Run fast.

"Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was
impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the
track after collapsing at the finish line, I figured I was dead."

- Roger Bannister


  1. I hope it all comes together in that third lap - something to savour, and a great way to achieve that IM PB.


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