Its Not All About The Ironman

Well it kind of is, but I can't be completely focused on one race for an entire year. If I just concentrate on the IMOZ2008 all year then I'll burn out and lose interest as I get closer. I'll need to focus my attention on different goals along the way.

What do I mean?

While the underlying progression of training is leading towards the Ironman, I will focus on intermediate races along the way. This will work by maintaining a steady progression of the long endurance sets throughout the year while the other sessions will change in order to prepare for the next upcoming races.

Shorter races will be ideal for improving my VO2max and Threshold along with racing fitness and toughness. Plus the most important element, it will keep it all fun. While I enjoy most of my training, I absolutely love racing. So I'll include a few running races of 5-21.1km and quite possibly the Melbourne Marathon in October. I'll race a few of the duathlons over winter and then some triathlons, including 2 half-ironmans when summer finally hits.

Bring it on.

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." - Earl Nightingale


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