Base 2 - Routine

With moving house over also comes the end of my leave from work. A change in work location and roster provides a some new pros and cons to my training plan. Onto the training document:

PHASE: Base 2
GOAL: Improve Steady-state output
CRITERIA: Complete all key sessions
LIFE: Lead up to the baby
TIME LINE: 16th June to about 2nd September
FORMAT: 8 day cycles
NOTE: Can push the key sessions if feeling good by upping the average pace.

LONG RUN: 2 hours steady, progress with gradual pace increase.
LONG BIKE: 3 hours with solid output, progress by moving to negative split or faster in the hills in last third
AEROBIC SWIM: 10x100, 3 stroke breath, on 5-10 cycle rest cycle, +1-2x100m until 2000m. Finish with 100-300m of strength work

HARD DAY: Threshold-VO2max work on legs. Format can be intervals or sustained effort. Split or single session but must cover both bike and run

The rest of training will be whatever I can best fit in. This includes the equivalent of two strength sessions and the rest I will aim to split between swim, bike and run, but won't worry too much about the mix as long as I get in something each day.


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