Spring Has Sprung

Even though it's still cold, the morning temperatures are staying below double figures until after 9am, it looks like Spring has arrived early. Once the temperature starts to rise the day becomes fine, sunny and crisp. The flowers and starting to show and even the blossom is making it's way out. Officially winter lasts for over another week, but it was yesterday that I decided Spring was here. Because with Spring comes another season.

Magpie Season.

Yes, the black and white warblers, that have it in their heads that somehow, cyclists pose a threat to their nests and babies. On a short recovery ride of 19km I managed to encounter my first two attacks for the season. On a short, but steep uphill I felt a familiar smack on the helmet and clacking of beak on the first strike. Not being able to up the pace much due to travelling against gravity, I was the perfect sitting target for another six swoops before I was out the magpie's territory.

Magpie number two didn't have such a great opportunity. I was travelling at a descent pace when I caught sight of a shadow that gave me enough warning. As the shadow approached my own shadow I ducked and felt the air rush over as the magpie missed. It had another unsuccessful attempt before I was out of range.

Over the years I have become used to magpie attacks. I'm pretty much at the stage where they don't tend to worry me unless they decide to go under the helmet. Most don't, but every now and then you come across one crafty bugger that has worked out smashing into a helmet probably does more harm to itself than the cyclist.

At least the days should start warming up soon.


  1. I'm old enough to remember the days before bike helmets. Now, that was 'fun'.

    Time to revert to my magpie-free running courses!

  2. Ah...the change of seasons is beautiful. We're finally starting to cool off, and I couldn't be happier.

    We have the magpie attacks too. I'm still not used to those buggers, and I'm not fast enough to get away. Not a good combination.

  3. Eeeek, maggies, there is one along the yarra, opposite Olympic Park, that terrorised me last year, better start wearing my running cap again


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