Racing Again

I haven't raced for nearly two months. I had a break from training as covered previously. As a result I'm in need of a bit of a guide as to where my fitness currently is. My training fitness is reasonable at the moment. I'm handling the sessions quite well, and seem to be able to back it up each day. Things are looking good as far as following my no more gaps approach. In a few weeks I'll be starting my VO2 phase and I require some race results to guide the hard sessions.

I'll get into the specific details of the VO2 stage in a couple of weeks, but the general idea is while I will be steadily increasing the long endurance sets, the key hard session in each week will have a maximal aerobic focus. Typically intervals of 3-6 minutes at greater than 90% HRmax.

To get a starting point to help guide these sessions, tomorrow and the following week I'll be running a 10km and 5km race, respectively. The main goal of these races is to establish some working guidelines as to my heart rate profile and paces at high and prolonged efforts. Therefore, I will be entering these races without any taper, and will just train through. Another consideration is I want to keep the recovery cost of these races to a minimum. In the past I have found that it harder to get that little bit extra out of my body when I don't taper. This often translates into less recovery time. I will also race in my usual training shoes and stay away from the racing flats. I'm not expecting to set any personal bests.

The weather is meant to good, so I'm looking forward to heading down to do a couple of laps around Albert Park Lake. It is a place where I covered many, many kilometres during my first few years of running. Should be fun.


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