Try Outs

Having my routine tipped upside down, shaken and then stirred has pointed out just how much I like routine. Yes, I do enjoy mixing things up, but I definitely function best with a base to work from. I just get more done when I have a working routine. I love my new life being a second time father. As the screaming, mixed up sleep, vomit and nappies begin to settle a little, I believe I have an idea of the semblance of routine my life can have on my return to work.

I'm back on shift at the start of October. This will also be when I officially start my next training program. From a training point of view I will use the time until then to experiment a bit with the ideas have for the program.

My enthusiasm to get right into training is skyrocketing. To avoid conflict with this enthusiasm and the other necessities of life I need to delay true training. Trying out some ideas, gives me the mental freedom to not feel like I am taking away from any area, but should fulfil that training desire.


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