Base 2

After a successful initial reintroduction, I am now ready to move into the second part of base training. I creatively called this phase Base 2. So far I have re-established a reasonable low heart rate pace along with some okay lactate turnover dynamics to set the groundwork for the future periodised training.

I improved my MAF test which was performed at a set HR of 149bpm from 5:34/km down to 5:05/km over 8 training cycles. This is a good indicator of basic endurance efficiency, cardiovascular adaptation and improved substrate use. While the numbers are a bit arbitrary, it is the consistency of the test variables that give it credit. Continuing to improve this will show a better aerobic base.

Running a 39:27 10km road race off only low intensity running supports the concept that working on my base pays bigger over time than does running high-end anaerobic sessions. The 10km is also a good indicator as to the balance between anaerobic threshold, maximal oxygen uptake and stamina.

In the last week of Base 1 I also ran a 400m time trial. The time was 74 seconds. To me that time is slow, but it is where it should be. Over the next few weeks of base training, I would expect only a small improvement in 400m speed following the introduction of speed drills. This test is an indicator of anaerobic capacity. It shows the net effect of local muscular strength, speed endurance and efficiency, with the ability to generate relatively high force output coupled with the ability to both tolerate and buffer the anaerobic by-products such as lactate and hydrogen ions.

My abilities are where they should be at the moment. My main focus will be to continue developing my endurance base, gradually bumping up the pace in the MAF test plus gently pushing towards the anaerobic threshold and develop the slightly higher steady-state running speeds which are the mainstay of long distance running. In support of the main endurance focus I will add a high work load in strength and power training. The idea being to develop a well balanced system which is capable of higher power outputs, has exceptionally strong connective tissue and joint structures which should enable better handling to adapt well and resist injury during the high intensity running that is required in the Specific phase later on.


  1. I thought you'd be sub-70 for the 400. Not that easy to run a fast 4 by yourself though. In a race, with spikes etc, maybe sub-70?

    Interesting though, because 74 is 3:05/km pace, which for elite runners is fully aerobic.

  2. Excellent improvement! I hope the "new" family is doing well also.


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