Finishing On The Up

A good sleep in this morning, had a few drinks last night at a work function. I had left my car at the work function for two reasons. The first was so I didn't drink and drive. Never will be a bloody idiot. Second it provided a good excuse to cover a different run course. I was up and feeling great at 8:30am. Yes that is a sleep in for me. Today was scheduled for a long run, and usually I like to get this done soon after waking, but had a few too many things to get out of the way first. So my run was in the afternoon instead.

I had pulled up well from the previous day's threshold run. In fact, my legs were feeling extra good. What I like about the planned run, was the last 6km were just about all uphill. Perfect way to end a long run.

I estimated the distance to be about 30km, but now having run it, I think it was closer to 28km. The first half was predominantly very slightly downhill over one of my regular run courses. Then after the turn around at the halfway point the course changed to a very, very gradual climb back towards home. The last 6-7km I turned away from my usual route home and proceeded out of Eltham up into the suburb of Research. Over this last section the gradient steadily increased with only a few minor downhills to break it up. The steepest section was a stretch of about 800m starting about 2km out from where my car was parked.

As expected the first half was nice and comfortable, as most of my long runs have been of late. Normally I'd expect things to start becoming a bit of a struggle after the 2 hour mark, especially if I'm climbing some steep hills. Not today. Instead as the run progressed, I just seemed to keep feeling better. In fact, the steeper the hill, the stronger I felt. I completed the run in exactly 2 hours 30 minutes and didn't even consider taking in any extra carbohydrates.

Back at the car, I had quick change into a dry top, downed my carbo gel and got stuck into the water. Then it was a quick drive home, shower, eat and head out to night shift. It is now about 3:40am while I'm writing this on a break. I can say I have eaten well and plenty since. Better still, my legs don't feel like they have even run half the distance today. Maybe I'm getting fitter. Can't wait to test my fitness at the Sri Chinmoy Half Marathon next Sunday.


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