Running On A New High

With some obligatory drinking and good food over the new year I removed any thinking about training for a couple of days. By the 2nd I was refreshed and keen to get out and run. Nothing like hitting some sand and dirt along the coastline to find that runner's high again. An afternoon watching the Bay classic cycling, a chance catch up with some triathletes and the fire has been reignited.

Back home and reality hasn't taken any lustre off. A familiar trail, a snake and some kangaroos to keep me company, an old training friend over last few kilometres and things are falling into place. So much depends on attitude. Beyond attitude is actually making a plan that works and can be kept up. I now have that.


  1. Good to hear Jason. I like the photo - another Ironman in the making?

  2. Cool pic. Kids just love being on the back of the bike with their dad!

  3. PS - your recent posts (after this one) seem to have comments disabled. Hpe this isn't deliberate. We're not that bad with our notes are we. PB ;-)

  4. I want not concur on it. I assume warm-hearted post. Particularly the title-deed attracted me to study the whole story.


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