Run One, Jog One

Anaerobic capacity training. For me it is involving a session where I gradually challenge my body's ability to buffer and utilise the anaerobic byproducts of running. Last night that meant a session at the track. Following about 3km worth of warm up and drills I complete 10 x 400m @ about 1500m race pace, with 400m jog recoveries. Simple, not too hard for the most part, but reasonably painful towards the end.

The repeats became a bit easier after the first two as my body realised what was required of it. Then following Peter Coe's comments in regard this type of session I put in a significantly faster 8th repetition, before dropping back to the sessions average pace for 9 and 10. Coe has suggested that a good indicator of an appropriately pace managed anaerobic capacity session is the ability to put in one or two faster reps towards the end without undue fatigue. That was the case last night.

This phase of training feels a bit strange overall. The faster running is definitely feeling so much easier, the short and easy recovery runs aren't feeling like enough. My legs are going through random patterns of feeling heavy, tight, fresh, springy or whatever other descriptive term you can come up with. My general cloud of fatigue appears to be lifting, but every now and then I feel completely flat.

The peak/taper process really makes you question whether or not you have trained enough. I'm glad I have enough experience to just slide past these changes and have faith that things will be right in two weeks.


  1. Good session Jason. Having something in reserve for rep 8 must be encouraging.

    It's funny, but sometimes how your legs feel aren't much of a guide. Sometimes you can feel fresh and springy and run the next session poorly, or flat and tired and run well.


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