I've had my rethink. I've scribbled plenty of ideas and different combinations on scraps of paper. Thought about it some more. Recycled all the paper and then rewrote all my ideas. Found some time at the computer and put it into a template. I now have my new training plan. The template looks similar to the last few months, but the real difference is in the implementation. The different coloured letters have slightly different meanings this time. I'll describe each in area more details later, but the overview is the Specific and Parkour training has been mixed throughout the other training more. Instead of being at the end of 4 days of the other elements, all are mixed through each six day cycle. This should allow for better training quality on the Specific training days. The elements listed for each day are to be the key focus on that day. This does not mean other areas are not addressed on that day, just that the priority is given to what is listed in the template. The new...