History With The Big Dance

This is for Miners and anyone else who may care. My history with the Ironman is:

  1. 2001 Completed my first IMOZ in Forster. Went in very, very fit but young and inexperienced. Completed the first 90km of the bike 10min faster than my HIM times. I paid for this later. Never felt so much pain for so long, but it was worth it. Nothing like hearing "You are an Ironman!"

  2. 2002 Forster again, not as fit, but good, solid race.

  3. 2003 Forster. Discovered that if you really don't train, it becomes a very slow, long and hard day.

  4. 2004 IMWA in Busselton. Loved being part of the inaugural race. Went out way too hard (again) and blew up majorly. Managed to redeem myself over the last 11km of the run, after recovering somewhat and ran stupidly fast to break 12hours. My slowest race, but one of the most rewarding.

  5. 2006 IMOZ in Port Macquarie. DNF. Got pummeled in the swim start, ouch. Exited the swim and vomited. Got on the bike and vomited. Drank some water and vomited. Didn't drink water and vomited. Ate some food and vomited. Didn't eat any food and vomited. I noticed a trend. Somehow I made it onto the run and started feeling good. 5km later the vomiting all started again. Somewhere before the 20km mark I left the course in an ambulance.

Looking to conquer Port Macquarie in 2008. Good luck to all those racing it next week!

"I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work." -Thomas Edison


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