Easy Being Green
Moving out of orthotics and highly supportive/restrictive shoes has injected a bit of extra colour into my footwear. I don't plan on doing a shoe review. There are plenty out there of variable levels of use. I think for the most part, shoes are too individual. You need to find what works for you. In the current stage of the search I am ditching the Brooks Adrenaline GTS, that had worked so well for years. Over the last couple of years my running form has changed a bit, plus I believe the Adrenalines have become too rigid. Whatever the case, they don't suit me anymore. They just feel wrong. Too rigid and restrictive.
This morning I pulled on a pair of new ASICS DS Trainer 17's. Promoted as a lightweight trainer with some structured support and cushioning. They felt good in the shop. A few other models didn't. Of course a run would be the real test. So up early at 0430 to fit in some kilometers before work. It was a ridiculous struggle getting out of bed, and my legs were stiff and sore. Maybe that extra night shift wasn't a good idea.
Eventually I placing one foot in front of the other. The legs really hadn't recovered from the previous week of training, so good thing this was meant to be an easy run. It didn't take long to really wake up, and I this down to just how good my shoes felt. They almost felt like racing flats, which I have developed a very strong liking for over recent years. However, they felt better than racing flats. They supported the late stage of drop and over pronation I have right near the end of my push off. They have a little extra cushioning, plus an extra feeling of robustness that definitely does not come with racing flats.
Of course the run was easy and short, and the true test of the shoes will come after many kilometers have been covered in them. First impressions have me excited and confident about the world without ripping out insoles and remembering which shoes I have orthotics in.
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