
Showing posts from August, 2010

Squat 5x3 @ 60kg

Far removed from triathlon endurance.

Run, Push, Run

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Back On Shift

With first shift back, overtime at the end and the need for sleep, naturally there was no training today. As a pleasant change I am more than comfortable withba day away from training. This is definitely a new chapter. I just wonder where the plot will lead.


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Simple, Short & Hard

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Next Chapter

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Welcome to the world Ace

Why Not Just Run?

With the reduced training time, one obvious solution is to just focus on running. I have been asked about this a couple of times recently. It makes sense. Get in about 6-8 hours of running each week and I should be able to get out some fast times up to half marathon distance. It is an appealing option in some ways. I wasn't too far away from this approach when I ran my marathon PR last year. There are a few reasons why I haven't chosen this option. The longer term goal is a major influence. I am still planning on going fast over the half ironman distance in 2010/11. I believe this goal will be better served by having a more balanced approach to fitness. Enhancing a mix of fitness elements including: strength, flexibilty, power, speed, stability across different modes will hopefully build a strong base fitness that will not only reduce injury risk, but hopefully add to general health. Having young kids and working as a paramedic can place some less than ideal manual handling/lif...

No Longer Long

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Time hasn't exactly been my beat friend of late. Yet I still wish I had more of it. No work shift has finished on time in the last week. The kind of benefit is it has got me experimenting a bit with time constricted training sessions. Based on this week I'm thinking I have a bit more insight into how things will be from a training perspective once the family expands. The key fitness component I expect to suffer is my base endurance. If I'm not getting out for sessions beyond two hours then it is only logical. This will probably be the hardest part for me. Afterall I co wider myself an endurance athlete. On the plus side I now have the mental freedom to simply do whatever I feel like when I get the chance. Without being constrained by an upcoming event or set training protocol I can simply have a lot of fun when I get the chance to get out there. Maybe it's the perfect time to work on other elements of fitness.