The Body Is A Temple

The last week didn't see my best collection of runs. Four days in a row of no training wasn't part of the plan. My work roster didn't fit well with the family and my ability to get sleep, plus the night shift extending out to 15.5 hours put a hole in the follow up. Of course family and some semblance of sleep took priority. This was backed up with work's belated Christmas party (shots are never a good move) and then Australia Day celebrations.

Those four days aside, the training has otherwise gone well. Recovery from the 12km last Sunday seemed to only require one day of easy running. The day after it was easy to keep the speed up. After the four days off I headed for 23km @ 5:04/km. I spent most of that keeping the pace down and ended up averaging 4:58, plus a warm up and cool down to bring the total to 27.7km. The extra speed probably came from the lack of running. Despite the fact my body felt like it had been pillaged pre-run. Time to kick things up for the next round.


  1. Yeah, on the way to the finish line, life happens. I think sometimes that is part of the learning experience derived from all this.


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