A New Chapter

Well it's finally the end of the year. Even though the change from one year to the next is an arbitrary thing, it still does hold some personal significance. Gone are the days when I would head out looking for a massive New Year's party (usually to be disappointed). Usually I now spend the night with just some good friends. Tonight however, I may not even be awake through midnight as I have an early start at work tomorrow.

I am not in a habit of making specific resolutions. I like to think I can keep my goals in check throughout the rest of the year. New Year resolutions tend be made just so you have an answer when someone asks you what your resolutions are. Instead I take a quick moment to reflect on 2007. Unfortunately it wasn't what I had hoped. With some family members suffering significant health problems. My wife and I experienced a miscarriage at the start of the year, followed by the stillbirth of our daughter later in July. This year has forced me to take stock on what is important.

So no resolutions for 2008. Instead I simply hope the next round of seasons bring enjoyable experiences, good health and maybe a new addition to the family. Naturally there are some training and racing goals I hope to realise, but I have covered these before, and really that is only recreation. There is a lot to life. Make the most of it.


  1. Jason, Happy New Year to you, your wife, & your family! I hope 2008 is full of realized dreams and accomplished goals for you.

  2. No doubt you will have some NYE messes to clean up, I hope you have a relatively calm shift.

    All the best for 2008, it is going to be a big one.

  3. All the best for 2008 Jason. No doubt the IM preparation will keep you busy for the next few months.

    Thanks for your thoughts on training - always interesting.


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