Can't Always Dodge

With colds, snot, sinusitis and conjuncitivitis running through the house over the last week, it seemed inevitable I would eventually catch something. Lucky for me it was only pretty minor, a mild sinus infection, poor sleep and a fever. The result was just a few days of missed training and only one key session missed. Unfortunately that key session was meant to be my first 3hr run for the training program, but subdue the body to that while fighting an infection always results in getting sicker.

Overall the training has been going well. Except for being a bit under the weather over the last few days I think I am where I should be. The Base training seems to have gone well. I'll find out over the next few days with the MAF test and 400m TT to give me some concrete numbers. Then it's onto the harder, more race specific training as the weeks count down.


  1. One missed long run at this stage won't hurt. It'll be interesting to see the results from the MAF test and 400.


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