
Two and a half weeks brings me out of the moonboot and a physio review. The body is doing what it's meant to do. I'd prefer if it would heal faster. At least now I'm I've moved on from the immobilisation phase and started some exercises. The extreme difficulty I had in doing a single leg calf raise and the almost non-existent balance on my left leg beat down my ego. At least the physio was amused by the amount of muscle wastage that occurs in two weeks. Thanks Camila.

Low grade strengthening and proprioception development is this week's fun. The endurance challenge is just walking around to get things done. No extended walks and no running. I'm definitely not tempted to try it out. It is clear the ligaments aren't ready yet. Basic walking requires a good dose of concentration to keep the mechanics right. There is a laziness in the coordination and a tendency for too much inappropriate movement if left unchecked. Need to do what I need do.

So far I've taken the time out from pursuing any hard cross training. In some ways it's a good mental break. I had planned on an easy couple of weeks after Wilsons Promontory 100 anyway. Plus I want to give my body the best chance to heal well. Hard training creates a stress that needs recovery. It is definitely required to bring the most in performance, but I think my body's resources are best directed to my ankle right now. A bit of strength training mixed with what many would consider yoga-style exercises has been the mix. It's also a good opportunity to work on the mental side of training. Since I'm not getting in my usual moving meditation, I've moved into other forms of mediation and mindfulness training. Hopefully this will bring improvements into a number of other areas.

All the above and the rest of life seems to be doing a good job of filling in for the running that isn't happening.


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