Peaking: Change of Plans

Due a reoccurrence of the sinus infection I thought I was getting rid of, the training over the last week hasn't matched what I planned on paper. I took an extra couple of days easy, the a day later than planned I hit the a nice steep hill for 6 x 40 second efforts, with about 2 min recovery, followed by 2 x 2min of fast, technical running over some twisting a jagged trail, with a good dose of rest in between. The run felt good and I had that flow I really wanted.

Thanks to Dazzler I managed to score a free massage that put my legs into a better state than they had been. No surprises from the work, all the problems I thought I had were there, and nothing extra. The legs are looser, and my own tissue therapy now seem s a little more effective.

The long run got scrapped for two reasons. First was with the sinus infection still causing a lot of grief, it would do more harm than go to go long. Seconds was 100km winds whipped some of the tiles from our roof and I some temporary repairs had to be done. From there I just for about 90 minutes at race pace (which is quite a low intensity when talking 100km pacing), for two days.

Now where does that leave me?

I've had a good think about what is needed in the last couple of weeks. Doing my best not to put in any stupid sessions for the sake of fear and just do what really should have me performing best on race day. The new modified peak basically isn't about really adding fitness, but more about developing efficiency, rhythm and relaxation at race pace, plus just enough stimulation to keep the fast twitch fibres (which get neglected in the longer training) in shape for the latter stages of the race. Then arrive on the start line feeling fresh.

So here it is:
2 weeks out:

  • 5 hour run @ race pace
  • 2 hour run @ race pace
  • 2 hour run @ race pace
  • Track: 10-15 x 60-80m strides, focusing on relaxation and higher cadence, plenty of recovery.
  • 4-5 hour run @ race pace
  • 2 hour run @ race pace
  • 60min very easy, maybe a few strides towards end
1 week out:
  • 3 hour run @ race pace
  • 60min very easy
  • Track: 10x200m comfortably fast (maybe HM pace) with 200m float recovery
  • 40min easy
  • 40min easy
  • Day off - travel

For 2 weeks out the volume will appear to be too much for some, with the recent reduced mileage I should be well recovered. Since the 100km race pace is slower than the majority of all my key session run over the last few months, the load really won't be that high. Of course I will keep very close tabs on how I handling the training. I shouldn't ever feel fatigued or have heavy legs on any day. If I do then that means I automatically cut the session. The very easy few days leading into the race should have everything right.


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