15 x 6 Day Cycle
The following are the guidelines I plan to follow for my next training stint. I prefer to use the term guidelines instead of something like protocols. This way of thinking suggests that there is room to work around what has been put to pen. Which is something I need at this stage. I'm not sure how I will respond this my new take on training. Of course time will tell. Six session cycle made of Crossfit style foci, Parkour and Specific work. Specific work will generally be geared towards upcoming races. Hours of training are to be averaged out over 7 days 6 hrs training if work > 50hrs/week 8 hrs training if work 38-50hrs/week 10 hrs training if work Any training deficit of > 1 hour is be made up within the next 4 days The next 7 day count will begin 1 day late per every full hour in deficit For races the 2 days lead up should be easy, regenerative work or fundamental skills Following a race take 1-3 days recovery as required The structure will always continue as above, but rec...