Recovery run? I just don't like the term. It is me being pedantic, but I like to use terminology that has some accuracy for me. I also like the titles to allude to a working definition. So why not recovery ? Well it tends to conjure up images of lying back on the beach or at a resort while having drinks brought to me. Recovery, tends to suggest not running to me. I like to use regeneration . I think the biology definition tends to be close to my goals: " the restoration or new growth by an organism of organs, tissues, etc., that have been lost, removed, or injured." Which is pretty a big part of the aim of training. A regeneration run aims to enhance this process. This is all nice, but what is a regeneration run for me? Is it just an a very easy run? To be annoying the answer can be both a yes and a no. To be less annoying I will explain... regeneration runs have the goal of restoration and new growth. Therefore they shouldn't be har...